I am licensed to offer the full spectrum of management consulting in accordance with pertaining Austrian and European regulations. Given my focus, however, my primary service offer comprises:
Thank you for visiting the website of my consulting practice synergesis consult.ing.
I focus on assisting you in making innovation happen. In many cases, this will require looking beyond and working across company boundaries. This is generally known as open innovation. You can find more about this here and here.
When starting synergesis in 2010, the name aimed to combine synergy and synthesis – both elements of open innovation. Only later I found out from one of my partners that the word already existed in photochemistry, where it means “Superadditivity”, i.e. a combination of development agents having a far greater effect that the sum of the individual effects.
Over the years, I have worked in many capacities on a multitude of projects and in various industries and sectors. Today, I would probably declare that my focus is clean-tech combining technology as well as market and business development elements. A particular emphasis is given to the wider field of mobility.
If this expertise is relevant for you, let’s get in contact and discuss how I may be of synergesis. I look forward to hearing from you.
synergesis consult.ing
Unternehmens- und Technologieberatung
I am licensed to offer the full spectrum of management consulting in accordance with pertaining Austrian and European regulations. Given my focus, however, my primary service offer comprises:
Since the late 1980, when I first became involved into batteries and electric vehicles I have been closely following the development of Clean Mobility.I later became very actively involved in the fuel cell and hydrogen field, not only starting one of the early Austrian companies in this field, but also establishing an Austrian National Research and Technology Strategy for it and participating in the definition and founding of the first Generation of the European Union’s Joint Undertaking for Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH-JU), serving at its Governing Board from the founding date till spring 2010.
Combining this know-how into advanced hybrid concepts for clean mobility including the broader implications for systemic change in the interrelated fields of mobility – in all modes – energy and industrial competitiveness continues to fascinate me. Offering my nearly three decade of experience related to infrastructure requirements, legal and normative tasks as well as training and education has become the primary focus my work.
As has become the norm in the industries I serve applying suitable software tools are part of my work.
In the technical field, I apply e.g. simulation software for longitudinal dynamics to determine energy and power needs of potential future products or tools/machinery for client internal use.
Of course, I can also model company business including P/L and full balance sheet development applying a cash-flow model. In the past, I have even included tools to enable simulating effects of foreign exchange rate developments.
A tool that sits between the technical and the business software field, is the package TEMONAS (Technology Monitoring Analysis System) which I developed with partners in the equally named project for the FCH-JU. It enables monitoring and bench marking exercises of different incumbent and immerging technologies in any field, planning of road maps and holistic evaluation of various technologies. For details, please refer to the information presented here.
voestalpine, ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railways), GM Alternative propulsion Center, Airbus/EADS-M, EADS, GE-Jenbacher, Union Fenosa, Vogl& Noot, ÖAMTC Test & Training GmbH, AVL List GmbH, Steirerbrau AG, LEM Instrumente GmbH, VDA (German Automotive Industry Association)
BMVIT and its predecessors (Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology), European Commission (DG s for Transport, Energy and Research), Styrian Provincial Government, Austrian Federal Authorities and Organisations, City Governments, Universities & Research Centers
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